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What We Do: Welcome

Rather than be surprised at what our country's leadership looks like in 20 years, we are strategically investing in the lives of South Africans now so that they can rise up and be the type of leaders that our country needs both today and tomorrow.
We focus primarily on two different areas: 

  1. Providing Relief to South African families in need

  2. Empowering South Africans so that they can dream, be equipped to reach those dreams and build to transform their communities. 

What We Do: Quote
What We Do: Programs


We are passionate about leadership. We believe that everything rises and falls at the centre of leadership. Leadership and Lifeskills equip students/youth to thrive in the classroom and in the world beyond. The 21st-century life skills are flexibility, initiative, social skills, productivity, and leadership. 

Our workshops:

- Career guidance in schools

- Life skills and Leadership Skills in and out of school.

- Leadership boot camps

Through our Community Development, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Imbizo foundation, and a source of much success for our Non-Profit Organization. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program.




Some of the benefits include positive
socialization with peers improved
communication skills, the development of
friendships increased leisure skills, appropriate behaviour development, enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence increased autonomy and a feeling of community and acceptance for all.

What We Do: Who We Are
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